We got him from some people that didn't want him who got him from some other people who didn't want him. Ya see, he stinks. I think it's because he's a turtle and turtles poop and pee in their homes. I know, so do we but we use a toilet and flush.
We got a hamster one time from a long chain of people who found him to smell of stale rodent excrement. Turns out he did. So we gave him away to people who thought the could bring the wild into their home without aromatic consequences.
I don't know why we think we can adopt these stinky little beasts. But, if it doesn't work out I don't think we'll give it away because turtles make better soup than hamsters.
This is why you need to update more! You're hilarious!
And turtles scare me.
Yea come and see us anytime, im only working like 60 hours a week now so any sunday, oh and you suck at blogging...
That turtle used to have two big turtles living in that little space with him... that was until someone thought they could let the turtle roam in the backyard and they would come back. But... those turtles were fast and were never seen again.
bruce is stinky and i still keep him
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