Friday, October 17, 2008

I much prefer TV tag

Blog tag is stupid! Oh boy, somebody tagged me. I guess I'm it. I guess I'll be it forever since my blog legs are too short  and too slow to catch anyone. At least in TV tag there's a way out.

7 things I can do:
Play blog games in order to win virtual popularity
hem pants
spell crochet
admit that I can crochet
operate a back hoe
operate a back hoe and crochet at the same time

7 things I can not do:
spell well (I can spell the word well just not accurately every time)
read well (again, I can read the word...)
write well (O.K. I have no problem with the word "well")
darn socks
grow hair on the top of my head
grow hair on the bottom of my feet
take blog tag seriously

7 things that attract me to women
spelling skills (not going to do this again)
not yer average barbie look
she's got to be a blogger
complicated first names
willing to change her last name
social security number starts with 0

7 things i say most often
do you want to make a deal
I'll give you $1,000
I'll let you pop my zits
I'll put the kids to bed
I did the dishes
would you like a back rub
do you mean not right now, or...

7 celebrity admiration's
David Blaine
Barry Manilow
Niel diamond
Marry Lou Retton
Captain Moroni

7 favorite food
that which comes in dozens 
jelly filled
powder coated
cream filled
custard filled

I choose not to tag anyone because 1) I don't have 7 blog friends. and b) blog tag is stupid!


TJ said...

I'm sensing a common theme with the seven things you say most often. Please refer back to the seven things I say most often.

Shot by blaine said...

I'm not sure I understand, maybe I'll get it later...probably not. :(

Shot by blaine said...

Kristina P are you mad at me? It's been almost 3 hrs & no comment.

Unknown said...

thx for stopping by my blog!

I was excited for my first couple tags, now I dread them. Way to go and boycott tagging others. We all know you really do have 7 friends!

And my cat was named Bloo, but she ran away, much to my sons dismay. Sad, soo soo sad.

Christine Peterson said...

oh my gosh i all but gave up on your frequent posts, but low and behold, you post a whole bunch! yeah!