Friday, October 24, 2008

Fun with facial hair

Recently in an effort to keep up with the Gatsby's I grew a beard. My salt and pepper chin dressing was looking great. Then one day Tj started saying that it was getting kinda long. Yesterday she came right out and said it looked UGLY! She also said (and I quote) "at least I try to look attractive for you." WOW! So I woke up this morning and decide to show her just what ugly looks like.It was a bad idea. Now we both miss the beard.


TJ said...

Yup, you showed me.

Christine Peterson said...

SOOOOOOO FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!! how ugly is that part hutterite/amish/black/white trash/caucasian and the list goes on! hahahahahhahah

bendickerson said...

dude you should leave the beard in the pic, its cool as ass, as well as all other beards(well almost not those super thin chin strap beards that are just a line around your face), just say well at least i can grow hair on my face! i think ill have a beard for the rest of my the way my mom is getting married on thurs...weird

mama donk aubri jo said...

that's hot ;) you should leave it, it will make a great addition to some halloween costume :)

Marc said...

Can you remember what it was like when we could grow that much hair on our head? Those must have been the days....

Matsby said...

Poor TJ.

Matsby said...

No really that's a rad beard. My beard is so long and gross it is uncomfortable to sleep with or eat with. I hate it.

But yeah, you look scary.

Just some Z's in a pod..... said...

You look like Earl. The guy from My name is Earl.....not your finest hour but I still love you.