Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Look at them kids

I don't have anything to blog about, but out of curtisy for those who view my blog I wanted to post a more visually pleasing picture.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blue's Poops

Have you ever seen how dogs will sniff around in circles before they do their duty. Blue takes the pre-poop routine to a whole new level. He takes up to 5 min. to find the PERFECT spot. He goes round and round and round. If any one of us made that many circles before we "went about our business" we wouldn't be able to function. I'm really not sure what is so important about one particular spot over another, but Blue knows and he narrows it down to a very specific couple of square inches. Then he does what he must do, flips a 180, kicks a bunch of grass around (I think the grass is suppose to cover the poo, but it comes down in the complete opposite direction. His aim is very bad).  
I have a ton of guilt when 10 sec. later I go over and pick it up in my Wal-Mart sack and discard it. He gives me this look like common' man...I wanted that THERE. I picked THAT spot.  So I look back at him like dude, I'm gonna' keep it for you for a while, I'll just set it here in this container with some of your other projects.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fun with facial hair

Recently in an effort to keep up with the Gatsby's I grew a beard. My salt and pepper chin dressing was looking great. Then one day Tj started saying that it was getting kinda long. Yesterday she came right out and said it looked UGLY! She also said (and I quote) "at least I try to look attractive for you." WOW! So I woke up this morning and decide to show her just what ugly looks like.It was a bad idea. Now we both miss the beard.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Where are the hunters?

What's the POINT? That's the question I asked myself about the combination of camouflage and hunter orange. I get the importance of camouflage, stealth. And I get the point of day-glow-orange clothing, it's cool man. But put em' together and you got ???an invisible yet highly fashionable hunter that probably wont get shot??? or is it someone that hopes deer are so enamored by his almost non-existent pants that he can't see his 400sq inches of here-I-am orange.
So the other day I was in Wal-mart. (I know, go figure) when I saw a hunter and his son all decked out in here-I- am and where'd-you-go. So I asked the dad what the point was of dressing up in camo only to put on all that orange. He spit his chew on the ground, stuffed his open beer into his back pocket and explained that the camo is for the deer cain't see you and the orange is for the udder folks can. There you go. Mystery solved.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I much prefer TV tag

Blog tag is stupid! Oh boy, somebody tagged me. I guess I'm it. I guess I'll be it forever since my blog legs are too short  and too slow to catch anyone. At least in TV tag there's a way out.

7 things I can do:
Play blog games in order to win virtual popularity
hem pants
spell crochet
admit that I can crochet
operate a back hoe
operate a back hoe and crochet at the same time

7 things I can not do:
spell well (I can spell the word well just not accurately every time)
read well (again, I can read the word...)
write well (O.K. I have no problem with the word "well")
darn socks
grow hair on the top of my head
grow hair on the bottom of my feet
take blog tag seriously

7 things that attract me to women
spelling skills (not going to do this again)
not yer average barbie look
she's got to be a blogger
complicated first names
willing to change her last name
social security number starts with 0

7 things i say most often
do you want to make a deal
I'll give you $1,000
I'll let you pop my zits
I'll put the kids to bed
I did the dishes
would you like a back rub
do you mean not right now, or...

7 celebrity admiration's
David Blaine
Barry Manilow
Niel diamond
Marry Lou Retton
Captain Moroni

7 favorite food
that which comes in dozens 
jelly filled
powder coated
cream filled
custard filled

I choose not to tag anyone because 1) I don't have 7 blog friends. and b) blog tag is stupid!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Runway Workin' Man

I had a real fashion problem yesterday. I'm not talking about mixing plaid with stripes. I'm talking about how I had to go to school right after work. (I work in construction) Now my pants just looked like I was a workin' man going straight to school...showed some real dedication. But my shirt was just not fit to go into public. I really didn't have time to shower and change and all that blah, blah, blah. So I took off my unfit shirt and put on a clean one. But it was too clean. Then it just looked like I was a slob who didn't care that he had been wearing his pants for the last 3 months. I couldn't put back on my work shirt, and didn't have time to totally change. Finally the heavens smiled on me and out of the corner or my eye I saw a clean, but very faded shirt. Perfect. Crisis averted.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Turtle Soup

This is my turtle. OUR turtle. (Mine and the kids.) I wont mention his name on the Internet for his own safety. I brushed him with Ben's toothbrush so he would look good for his picture. I told him he looked great, but he was still so shy.
We got him from some people that didn't want him who got him from some other people who didn't want him. Ya see, he stinks. I think it's because he's a turtle and turtles poop and pee in their homes. I know, so do we but we use a toilet and flush.
We got a hamster one time from a long chain of people who found him to smell of stale rodent excrement. Turns out he did. So we gave him away to people who thought the could bring the wild into their home without aromatic consequences.
I don't know why we think we can adopt these stinky little beasts. But, if it doesn't work out I don't think we'll give it away because turtles make better soup than hamsters.