Thursday, September 11, 2008


Myth Busters (and the whole Discovery Chanel for that matter) is as great as it is geeky. I love it! There was a show on last night where the Mythbusters interlaced the pages of two 800 page phone books without glue or tape or any other bonding agent. Then they tested the strength that the paper on paper bonds had. In the end it took the combine pulling power of 2 tanks to pull them apart.
Every once in a while we as humans lace ourselves together, and we cant be torn apart. My blog-friend Sue is helping us to do this in behalf of Nie Nie and her family. She is publishing a book of blogs and donating the proceeds to them and their recovery. Please look for it. Buy it. Lace your pages with this great effort.



TJ said...

Blaine, that was worded very beautifully.

Christine Peterson said...

yes it was TJ, Bruce and I sometimes watch mythbusters, cool show