Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Faulty Speedo

So there I was just driving to school when I noticed that the speedometer in my jeep starts at 5MPH. WHAT?!!! Without even giving any thought to 0-4MPH and how badly their feelings must be heart having been left out. There are some obvious questions. 
Why? Is there some crazy car designer out there that is perfectly willing to make and instrument panel but refuses to work with 0, 1, 2, 3  or 4? Is it the result of some philosophical engineer (which by the way don't really exist) that thought anything under 5MPH cant change the world, so don't even worry about em'
What am I suppose to do? Between 0-5 should I lick my finger, stick it out the window and give it my best guess. "feels like about 3 or, wait there's a slight breeze I might only be going 2. Holy crap There's no good way to know!!!!! When I'm doin' 20 an I really doin' 15. Should I be trying to make those types of calculations while I'm driving.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well I did it. Those brilliant commercials with the Mac guy and the PC guy got to me & I made the switch.  I love it. See ya never PC! 

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Myth Busters (and the whole Discovery Chanel for that matter) is as great as it is geeky. I love it! There was a show on last night where the Mythbusters interlaced the pages of two 800 page phone books without glue or tape or any other bonding agent. Then they tested the strength that the paper on paper bonds had. In the end it took the combine pulling power of 2 tanks to pull them apart.
Every once in a while we as humans lace ourselves together, and we cant be torn apart. My blog-friend Sue is helping us to do this in behalf of Nie Nie and her family. She is publishing a book of blogs and donating the proceeds to them and their recovery. Please look for it. Buy it. Lace your pages with this great effort.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A prince among peasant's

I've been criticized for my continual attendance at the local Wal-Mart. I have never really understood the magnetism I feel toward the unholy Mecca of discount goods either.
The other night I told TJ that I was headed off to the land of roll back pricing. She asked if I was going "LIKE THAT"?
Then it clicked. It didn't matter how I looked, what I was wearing, or the way I smelled. I would be a prince among peasant's. I realized then and there that I was using Wali-World (and her unsavory patrons) to help my self feel better about myself.

It works. Try it out. Next time you just feel like crap about yourself Go to the nearest Wal-Mart and enjoy the uplifting atmosphere of the less fortunate and ugly. The fat and unkempt.

You'll never be as ugly as they are. You'll never smell as bad as that lady in spandex.

God made Wal-Mart as an immediate answer to the "please help me with my self esteem" prayer.