Monday, November 3, 2008

Ben's swollen finger

This is not Ben, it's just a pic of a swollen finger.
On the way home from school today Ben was complaining about how one of his fingers was swollen. He wasn't sure why, but it was definitely bigger than the other finger. As he was asking me my take on the big finger thing, Roxy pipped in..."Ben, It's just your man finger coming in." Where does she get this stuff.


TJ said...

She is so funny.

Marc said...

I don't have a swollen finger, but my P@$$? sure seems to be swollen......

mama donk aubri jo said...

your man finger, that is great! i love kids! they really are the best entertainment!

Christine Peterson said...

Oh Roxy, that is hilarious! I was wondering about the pic, thinking,man we sooo need to visit if Ben looks like that now!

Ryan.Robyn said...

happy birthday yesterday oldie

Marc said...

i am going through dickey withdrawls, where is the new post? hook me with with some knowledge, brother.