Friday, November 21, 2008

The pregnant man

This morning Ben, Roxy & I all exited our rooms at the same time. I said "look at my beautiful kids!" to which Ben responded, making a faux rubbing of a pregnant belly at me: "I thought you meant look at my beautiful children." Then he laughed at me and ran down the stairs.


TJ said...

what does that mean, was he trying to say you look pregs?

Marc said...

I appreciate the effort, but by your usually high standards, i am left wanting more. Your kids are great though, its true.

mama donk aubri jo said...

So I am wondering . . . (that was me wondering :) Are you on a blogcation as well as T.J. ? Cuz it is starting to get depressing not reading all your insights on life :) Get back to work I say! :)