Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We buy mac-n-cheese because its cheep & convenient. I agree that its a fairly cost effective way to eat but I want to meet the jerk that designed the box with the little "push here" tab. Push there my eye. David Blaine couldn't open that blue box by pushing there. Why cant they be honest about it. It should read "stab with a sharp knife" or "kick with golf cleats" maybe "set on fire till pasta is available"
Theres a chance I'm being a little dramatic. I'm just in a bad mood after fixing dinner.


Christine Peterson said...

man i'm glad you have a blog, you always have a hilarious outlook on things. you know i've always thought the same thing about that box, what the freak! it soooo does not work! I always use a steak knife to open it. i say design a new box and then you'll be livin' large!

mama donk aubri jo said...

i know this is such an old post but i clicked on you to yell at you for not posting lately and so i was scamming, and holy crap suck yes i agree :) the tabs are a complete waste of direction, I usually just squeeze the box until it tears somewhere as I am too lazy to grab a knife, set a fire, etc. . . .